5 Digital Sales Recruitment Tips To Follow During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the coronavirus has forced us to lessen physical interaction as much as possible, sales recruiters are also facing unprecedented challenges in entertaining applicants despite the improbability of face-to-face meetings. Good thing, the internet has made it possible for job seekers to pursue their career in sales by contacting sales recruitment firms on their websites instead of visiting their physical offices.

And if you’re one of these sales agencies, it is recommended that you adapt to the necessary changes to ensure you’ll be hiring the best applicant for the open sales position while shifting to digital methods of hiring.

Read more as we are going to share the 5 sales recruitment tips to follow during the COVID-19 pandemic in today’s entry.

1. Capitalize The Power Of Social Media Even More

Nowadays, many hiring managers are now relying on social as one of their recruitment tools. And it’s about time that you have to do the same as well since 58% of the sales recruiters in the United States have already integrated Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn in their recruitment process.

So we recommend you to create a business page where you can post new openings, converse or chat with potential applicants, and share why job seekers have to trust your agency to get their desired sales position.

2. Recruit People Like You Are Marketing

Another digital sales recruitment tip that you need to keep in mind is to adopt the best marketing methodologies and treat every applicant the same way as how salespersons approach their potential customers. In short, you have to create an image of an ideal sales candidate so you’ll be able to narrow down applicants to the top prospects that are suitable for the open positions according to their capabilities.

3. Make Sure Your Contact Information Is Visible

Make sure all the necessary contact information (company name, physical address, website, email, contact person, etc.) are easily found so that job hunters will be able to find this information if they want to reach out to you. Whether it’s in the landing page or a CTA (call to action) statement at the last paragraph of a blog article, make it easy for these details to be viewed by prospects right away.

4. Increase The Loading Speed To Make Sure Visitors Will Stay In Your Website

According to experts, 32.3% of people who are visiting a website will likely leave the page if it takes 7 seconds or more to load. And it doesn’t really matter whether you have a website for a small sales recruitment agency or a huge recruitment firm because this statistic applies to ALL websites on the internet.

So if you want to have more recruitment opportunities, then you also need to optimize your website by increasing the load speed to prevent high bounce rates or the number of people leaving the site in just seconds after visiting.

5. Have Digital Onboarding

And the last digital sales recruitment tip that you have to remember is to adapt digital onboarding. To be specific, you must conduct a Zoom meeting after selecting the best candidate so you can orient them with the company’s culture, goals, and expectations before starting to work.

This way, the applicant will have a smooth transition to their new job and they’ll be able to adjust easily despite the ongoing health crisis.
